
Services of the SVG Co-operative League Ltd

The St. Vincent and the Grenadines Co-operative League Ltd (SVGCL) is the apex organization for Credit Unions and Co-operatives. It is mandated to provide a full range of services to its members, while embracing the Co-operative Principles, Philosophy and sound business practice.

Through membership in the SVGCL, credit unions and other co-operatives receive important services such as legislative, regulatory and media advocacy; a stream of timely and vital news and information; access to key education and training programs; direct assistance with critical operational and planning issues; and a host of other products, services and programs designed exclusively to meet the unique individual and collective needs of credit unions.

The SVGCL has focused on serving its members throughout its history, a commitment that is concisely expressed in its Mission Statement: “To uphold the co-operative philosophy among co-operative societies by representing and promoting their interest towards sustainable growth and development.”

Our Services include:

Education & Training

Education & Training

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Technical Support

Technical Support

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Office Support Services

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Administration of CUNA Insurance Services

Administration of CUNA Insurance Services

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Investment Opportunities

Investment Opportunities

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Policy Development

Policy Development

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Strategic Planning, Implementation & Monitoring

Strategic Planning, Implementation and Monitoring

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Consultancy & Marketing

Consultancy & Marketing

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Project Planning

Project Planning

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Organizational Development

Organizational Development

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Advocacy & Representation

Advocacy & Representation

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[email protected]


Lower Kingstown Park